Tan Onn Lock Impressed of the Amazing Unique Rock in 1972
The Art of Natural Stone from Taiwan by the Blessing from God
By Miraculous ANGLE of Splitting of a Rock into One Inch Thick Slab
which has the Unique Art of Chinese Styled Natural Scenery
花蓮 奇石,臺灣
巧匠,書法 古詩
•1972年臺灣花蓮石作品 作品名:奇白石山水畫 此石背部因具有 大片白色石 (晴空萬里),
而取名為 奇白石山水畫
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Miraculous Angle on the Splitting of a Rock
Below Is The Download LINK to
the Complete PDF Information
on this Special Art by Extremely Precision splitting on the Borderline
of two adjacent layers of Natural Twin Colors Rock
click here to download file : Unique Rock by Splitting Rock
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Extreme Challenge of Precision Splitting
of any Hard Rock, due to the complexity of
unpredictable grains of all natural rocks
奇白石畫前後厚度只有1英吋, 綠石部份與白色石完全平行連接 藝匠以淺鑿刻前面的綠石為墨,以大平面背後白石為宣紙 •經巧藝石匠構思佈局後與琢磨, 顯現較接近大自然原始感覺 表達中國式山水墨畫抽象作風
表面以粗曠為設計,原石不加任何色料 表面特意未切平,作品表面特意凹凸粗造, 有淺層凹凸感
@ 以手工 分裂 原石 須
經驗 與 鑿刻技巧
但其山水畫表面能 表達 粗獷 凹凸 感覺
@ 以機器平面切割。
Easy Way of Smooth Cut by Machine VS
Hard Way of Splitting a Twin colors Stone
by Hand Tool to create Both Rough Surface with Scenery with Realistic Look of Nature
一塊未知數的兩種顏色石,其內部卻是 大平面積超過22英吋寬 而且兩種石直線完全平行接觸 屬天然大地之傑作
蛇紋石以產地命名稱 如: 岫玉 岫玉是中華寶玉石大家族中的重要成員,是最早被發現和使用的玉種, 且為歷代所重視,堪稱「古玉之光,萬年瑰寶」。 從中國最早的玉製品到世界最大的玉製品,以及當代許多被譽為國寶的玉雕精品, 都出自岫玉,其質地細膩溫潤,堪稱「天地之靈,華夏奇珍」。 在傳統習慣上,蛇紋石玉又稱岫玉,是以遼寧岫巖縣產地命名。 但有些地方出現了信宜玉、陸川玉、台灣玉等名稱,這些名稱在市場上常引起混亂, 使購買者無法瞭解其本質是什麼,因此在國家標準中規定寶石級蛇紋石 ,均以「蛇紋石」來統一命名,產地不介入命名。僅岫玉作為蛇紋石玉的一個品種
Chinese style ink painting of Mountain & Water Scenery
Tend to have the artistic element of abstract painting.
1970年代 臺灣石雕藝術 與中國山水畫
The Phrase & Calligraphy shown below by Tan Onn Lock Expressed the Spirit of Never Giving Up, despite of the great difficulty
of Facing a Dead End Road.
八十三歲老人陳允洛對 此作品聯想與共鳴, 於1972年四月 此原版書法 刻字在花蓮石
For Centuries in China, Chinese scholars possess strong appreciation of Unique Rocks
Unique Rocks also have various levels of artistic representation.
下圖 請利用200%放大 打破砂鍋問到底 (取一頁小部份)
文章來自 陳允洛文集作品
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USA National Park in Wyoming |
Photo of Grand Teton National Park
by World Famous Photographer, Ansel Adams
The rock has large section of white rock which represents a wide & clear sky.
With wide area of white rock also allows calligrapher to include a phrase to describe the scenery of the rock.
晴空萬里 原石因具有 大片白色石,
而取名為 奇白石山水畫
經臺灣藝匠 精心構思與佈局 與琢磨粗糙的原石成 1英吋厚的奇白石山水畫
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With the overhead photo the whole rock,
it shows how thin the front layer of green rock
still attaching to the large section of
white rock at the background.
It also shows how precisely the artist split the
rock to preserve the thin layer of green rock.
藝匠如何雕琢 奇白石山水畫?
可見 不同厚度的大片白石
Overhead View
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Since Ancient Time,Chinese Scholars Enjoy three thing
Enjoy Unique Stone & Calligraphy, Savor Good Poems